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Years of project work both international and local, have brought thousands of learnings, but contacts and ideas even more so. Throughout the years it has also become a mighty (however sensitive) tool of empowerment, recognition of competences and integration. The time has come to pass the knowledge further and bring up a generation of well equipped project workers, creators and assistents. For this purpose we are now for the first time, announce a call for admittance to our Project School, an 6 weeks course where matters of planning, facilitation and reporting will be brought up to discussion, together with matters of quality control, communication and resource management. As an exam each student will develop own initiative and perform it with support of Project Pocket team. A certificate and a letter of reference will be granted to all students who has successfully completed the course. Payment: the course is free of charge for the volunteers of Proqvi and Project Pocket; please contact us for details of volunteering. For non-volunteers, course fee is 3000SEK and must be paid within a week from registration acceptance to the course. Application with a short motivation and your background story should be sent to the course administrator Evelyn Rodriguez,

  • Date:10/01/2020 10:00 PM - 11/05/2020 03:00 PM
  • Location Västra Sandgatan 6, Helsingborg, Sverige (Map)