Workshops and training

Among the popular workshops are:

  1. Non-conventional training of leadership and teamwork

Relations within the organisation are the core of sustainable development.  Because it either makes people inspired and happy, or passive and unhealthy. 

There will be tango and there will be drama. The workshop can be conducted with people of any gender, minimal amount of participants is two persons, "a couple". Cost of workshop is 500 kr per couple with maximum of 20 participants. Duration: 2 hours. 

2. Give me my wings back. 

A lecture and a set of workshops on matters of domestic violence, group pressure and crisis communication. Based on a case study, adapted to the program of the organiser, 1-5 hours, therefore price varies between 1000-8000 kr.

3. Wild Bees Hive. 

A community building game developed to enhance collaboration, articulate hidden capacities and change a perspective on human resources in migrant groups as well as new teams. Cost of the workshop is 5000 kr.